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Its all about the music scene in Phoenix - music venues, record stores, open mics
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Music is big part of our lives. We play music instruments and enjoy going to live music performances. Back in 2012 we found that it was difficult to know where live concerts were playing in our Phoenix area, including open mics and music hangouts. So we put together this music venue directories – to list where music venues are in our Phoenix area, and check out the event calendar at each venue quickly. Our hope is that it will inspire others to get out and take part in our Phoenix music scene.
Our family and friends (besides us) contribute posts and photos to this site. Please contact us if you would like to share a post or a photo on this site or if you want us to feature an upcoming music event or an artist. In the meantime go out and enjoy a live music night. is a participant in the Amazon Service LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We appreciate your support. When you purchase from Amazon using our affiliate links, it helps us to keep our site running and to continue providing you with informative content.